Sunday, May 21, 2006

4 Weeks Until The Wedding

My wedding is a month away, and while I'm nervous about how the hives will react to the Texas heat, my allergist has allowed me to take prednisone (a steroid) for the two weeks covering the wedding and honeymoon. I'm also going to buy a coolvest to wear during the ceremony. They run about $200 but I'm desperate at this point.

Things are about the same. I am heavily drugged at all times and just avoid heat in all situations. I do not perform any physical activities or expose myself to the outdoors on warm days. For the most part I have become a vampire. I work only at night when it's cool. The sun has become my foe, sad to say.

Today I was thinking about the fact that Cincy has some of the worst air pollution in the nation. I think most local doctors would probably agree that asthma and allergies are more prevalent in this area partially due to the poor air quality, but is it possible that my condition was also precipitated or exacerbated by it? I've always had very sensitive skin, so perhaps the toxicity in the air finally just became too much for my skin to handle and it has reacted by developing cholinergic urticaria? I have no proof of this, but it is an interesting possibility, especially since prior to living here I lived out west where the air and water were pure and nearly pollutant-free. It would be interesting to see a break-down of what geographic areas of the nation have higher rates of chronic hives, and if there is a correlation with poor air quality. Any readers out there care to comment on this?


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